PUSAT FIBER OPTIC INDONESIA - 62S Fujikura Splicer Core to Core Fujikura 62S Fusion Splicer + CT 50

PUSAT FIBER OPTIC INDONESIA - 62S Fujikura Splicer Core to Core Fujikura 62S Fusion Splicer + CT 50

62S Fujikura Splicer Core to Core Fujikura 62S Fusion Splicer + CT 50 Fujikura 62S Fusion Splicer Fully automatic splicing machine for high performance and single fiber fusion, valid for single mode and multimode. Alignment by core in two axes. Easy to handle. Weight 2600g (with battery). Built-in heater Dimensions 146x163x168 mm. Product Description The Fujikura 62S provides active core alignment splice loss performance while utilizing a conventional wind protector and tube heater design. An alternative to the fully automated core-alignment model 70S, the 62S includes an auto-start feature for both the splicing and tube heating process that minimizes the steps necessary to process splices. With a shrink time of 23 seconds with standard splice sleeves, the 62S ensures a high level of productivity. Incorporating the proven ruggedized features pioneered by Fujikura, durability is greatly enhanced by a mirrorless optical system and "severeimpact resistant" monitor. Battery capacity is 200 splices/shrinks. The transit case doubles as a built-in or mobile workstation and makes splicing easier than ever. Features: • 5,000 splices electrode life • 23 second tube heating time with standard sleeves • Fully ruggedized for shock, dust and moisture • Li-ion battery with 200 splices/shrinks per charge • 5 mm cleave length for splice on connector or small package needs • Sheath clamp or fiber holder operation • Internet software upgrades • Multi-function transit case with integrated workstation BM ENTERPRISES, is a leading and fast growing Solution organisation, providing IP, FTTH/FTTx Solutions and IP Television Technology expertise. Our team is constantly working upon to understand the client’s requirements and customize/innovate the solutions, to the best of our levels. Our Wide Distribution Channel across India helps our clients to provide local level support & services. We are constantly engaged in various R&D activities towards Development, Design and Research for bringing innovative products blend with the latest technology. We have the unique combination of highly talented R&D with the robust state-of-the-art manufacturing facility based out of India, Korea and China. Mau Cepat Mudah Dan Aman Mengerjakan Fiber Optic Di Lapangan? Yuk cek dulu 13 Fusion Splicer yang aman dan cepat untuk pekerjaan fiber optic disini! Fusion Splicer Fujikura ini bisa untuk mempermudah dan mempercepat pekerjaan kalian dibidang fiber optic, fusion splicer ilsintech swift ini merupakan alat sambung kabel terbaik. Kamu bisa mendapatkan fusion splicer ilsintrech swift dibawah ini dengan harga murah langsung klik link nya ya: PT. DWI ARTHA MEDIA MENJUAL BERBAGAI MACAM ALAT SPLICING,FIBER OPTIC,ALAT TELKOM,OTDR,OPM,OLS BERKUALITAS DENGAN HARGA YANG SANGAT TERJANGKAU.. BERBAGAI MACAM JENIS FUSION SPLICER DENGAN BERBAGAI MERK DAN TIPE : * FUSION SPLICER FUJIKURA* https://homedecors99.blogspot.com/202... = Fusion Splicer Fujikura 62S https://homedecors99.blogspot.com/202... Ditunjang dengan MERK-MERK yang sudah terkenal & telah diakui keberadaanya di DUNIA SURVEY diantaranya : TEKTRONIX, AGILENT, ANRITSU, ADVANTES, FUJIKURA, SUMITOMO, YOKOGAWA, EXPO, SUNRICE TELECOM, BIRD, RADIANTECH, DVP, GRANDWAY, JOINTWIT, LEICA, FISHER LABS, Barang yang kami jual semua 100% Baru & BERGARANSI RESMI 1 Tahun DIJAMIN..!!! Dapatkan harga special untuk pembelian lebih dari 2 unit barang. Untuk pemesanan produk yang di inginkan bisa konfirmasi melalui Telpon/ Email. Contac Person : Gerry Hendrawan Wa/Tlp : 0812-1866-7879 Email : gerryyh9@gmail.com 📢 Cek Video Menarik Lainnya ➜ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTwE3... LEBIH DEKAT DENGAN SAYA! 👍Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... 🌐Website ➜ https://homedecors99.blogspot.com/ https://dwiarthamedia.co.id/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👇KLIK SUBSCRIBE Pusat Fiber Optic CHANNEL SEKARANG👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4-A... 📢 Yang Subscribe Saya Doakan Rejekinya Lancar, Sehat Terus & Panjang Umurnya ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #FusionSplicer #fusionsplicer #Splicer #fiberoptic #alatsambungkabel #laskabel #ilsintectswift #PT.DwiArthaMedia #GerryHendrawan #081218667879 #telkomindonesia #telkomakses #tekom #indihome #telkomsel #jaringan #OTDR #Alat #SeratOptik #Kabel #KonektorElektrik #JaringanKomputer #SeratOptikModeTunggal #Serat #PusatFiberOptic #pusatfiberoptic #PUSATFIBEROPTIC ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ DISCLAIMER: Video yang saya bagikan hanya sebatas informasi yang saya dapatkan dari masyarakat di sekitar tempat tinggal saya dan juga internet. Bukan saran dari ahli fiber optic dibidangnya. Tidak ada kewajiban untuk Anda ikuti, saya sarankan konsultasilah terlebih dahulu ke teknisi dilapangan untuk saran terbaik.