Single Fiber Fusion Splicer 22s | Fujikura | PT.DWI ARTHA MEDIA Splicer Fujikura 22s Product Description The Fujikura 22S active cladding alignment fusion splicer bridges the long standing gap between core alignment and fixed v-groove fusion splicer technology. Moveable v-grooves eliminate splicer errors due to dust and other contaminants. Despite its incredibly small size, this ruggedized, full-featured unit offers unmatched versatility for splicing in the most challenging environments. The innovative transit case and work tray provide multiple options for the best utilization of available work space while the long life battery provides power for up to 200 splice cycles which include application of the splice protection sleeve. The Fujikura 22S incorporates features typically found only in more expensive models. Removable sheath clamps allow the use of fiber holders if desired. The large 4.7″ monitor provides a crystal clear image, even in the brightest sunlight, for evaluating splice quality. The electrode life has been extended to 3,000 splices, minimizing downtime for replacement and stabilization. Software updates are accomplished via the internet allowing users to quickly update their software as new splice programs become available. The fully ruggedized chassis provides for shock, dust and moisture protection while the two camera observation system provides for accurate fiber alignment and loss estimation calculations. The Fujikura 22S is also fully compatible with the FUSEConnect® line of fusion installable connectors. Backed by the best service team in the industry, the Fujikura 22S is the ideal splicer to use when portability, ruggedness, versatility and reliability are needed for your splicing application. Fusion Splicer Fujikura 22s The 22S is designed for high-end FTTH splicer applications in FTTX, Data Center / LAN and Access Networks. 22S offers an active V-Groove alignment single fibre splicer for reliable and improved splicing performance for a range of different fibres; SMF, MMF, DSF, NZDSF. Applicable from 125μm cladding diameter/up to 3mm sheath diameter fibres with sheath clamp. 22S provides advanced capabilities; including splice result storage of 200 splices, 5-16mm short cleave length splicing . Quick splicing time is produced in 9 seconds (single mode fibre) and an automated tube-heating time of 30 seconds (single mode 60mm). Complate Fusion Splicer Berbagai MERK/ TIPE : Sumitomo, Fujikura, INNO, Fitel, DVP, Ilsintech, Jilong Detail Complate Fusion Splicer Berbagai MERK/ TIPE : Sumitomo, Fujikura, INNO, Fitel, DVP, Ilsintech, Jilong Mau Cepat Mudah Dan Aman Mengerjakan Fiber Optic Di Lapangan? Yuk cek dulu 13 Fusion Splicer yang aman dan cepat untuk pekerjaan fiber optic disini! Fusion Splicer Fujikura ini bisa untuk mempermudah dan mempercepat pekerjaan kalian dibidang fiber optic, fusion splicer ilsintech swift ini merupakan alat sambung kabel terbaik. Kamu bisa mendapatkan fusion splicer ilsintrech swift dibawah ini dengan harga murah langsung klik link nya ya: PT. DWI ARTHA MEDIA MENJUAL BERBAGAI MACAM ALAT SPLICING,FIBER OPTIC,ALAT TELKOM,OTDR,OPM,OLS BERKUALITAS DENGAN HARGA YANG SANGAT TERJANGKAU.. BERBAGAI MACAM JENIS FUSION SPLICER DENGAN BERBAGAI MERK DAN TIPE : * FUSION SPLICER FUJIKURA* https://homedecors99.blogspot.com/202... = Fusion Splicer Fujikura 22S https://homedecors99.blogspot.com/202... Untuk pemesanan produk yang di inginkan bisa konfirmasi melalui Telpon/ Email. Contac Person : Gerry Hendrawan Wa/Tlp : 0812-1866-7879 Email : gerryyh9@gmail.com 📢 Cek Video Menarik Lainnya ➜ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_8bf... LEBIH DEKAT DENGAN SAYA! 👍Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... 🌐Website ➜ https://homedecors99.blogspot.com/ https://dwiarthamedia.co.id/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👇KLIK SUBSCRIBE Pusat Fiber Optic CHANNEL SEKARANG👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4-A... 📢 Yang Subscribe Saya Doakan Rejekinya Lancar, Sehat Terus & Panjang Umurnya ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #FusionSplicer #fusionsplicer #Splicer #fiberoptic #alatsambungkabel #laskabel #ilsintectswift #PT.DwiArthaMedia #GerryHendrawan #081218667879 #telkomindonesia #telkomakses #tekom #indihome #telkomsel #jaringan #OTDR #Alat #SeratOptik #Kabel #KonektorElektrik #JaringanKomputer #SeratOptikModeTunggal #Serat #PusatFiberOptic #pusatfiberoptic #PUSATFIBEROPTIC ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ DISCLAIMER: Video yang saya bagikan hanya sebatas informasi yang saya dapatkan dari masyarakat di sekitar tempat tinggal saya dan juga internet. Bukan saran dari ahli fiber optic dibidangnya. Tidak ada kewajiban untuk Anda ikuti, saya sarankan konsultasilah terlebih dahulu ke teknisi dilapangan untuk saran terbaik.Home » ALAT SURVEY